Coffee Cleaner Liquid 1 Litre Dosing Bottle

Powerful cleaning solution for coffee machines

Coffee Cleaner Liquid 1 Litre Dosing Bottle Lead Time TBC

Coffee Cleaner Liquid 1 Litre Dosing Bottle

Powerful cleaning solution for coffee machines


Total: £7.20

Product Specifics

Key Benefits: 4 in 1 Formula

Additional: Non-corrosive, Fast Acting, Reduce maintenance costs

Usage/Dilution rates: See product description for rates

4 in 1 formula destains, sanitises, cleans and lightly descales brewer units, machine fascias and components
Eliminates the need for multiple cleaning products
Non-corrosive will not damage or degrade machine components.
Easy to use dosing bottle prevents wastage
Fast acting formula reduces cleaning times
Regular cleaning helps maintain beverage quality, prolongs machine life and can reduce maintenance costs.

Brewer Chamber Cleaning
For a deep clean use 50ml of solution poured directly into brewer chamber and 25ml of solution.
For light clean, fill brewer chamber with hot water and leave product to soak for 10mins and then flush through.

Component Soaking & Cleaning
For heavy duty cleaning use 100ml of solution per litre of hot water.
For light duty use 50ml of solution per litre of water, then place components into solution and leave to soak.

General Machine Cleaning 10ml of solution in a 500ml spray bottle or 20ml per litre bottle, this is a maximum dilution rate.

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